[PDF] ScienceMart Privatizing American Science Ebook

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Science-Mart: Privatizing American Science: Philip ... Science-Mart: Privatizing American Science [Philip Mirowski] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This trenchant study analyzes the rise and decline in the quality and format of science in America since World War II. During the Cold War Science-Mart Philip Mirowski Harvard University Press This trenchant study analyzes the rise and decline in the quality and format of science in America since World War II. Science-Mart attributes this decline to a powerful neoliberal ideology in the 1980s which saw the fruits of scientific investigation as commodities that could be monetized, rather than as a public good. Science-Mart: Privatizing American Science by Philip Mirowski On the one hand, this is an unsparing look at the current (as of 2011) state of science in the age of commercialization. Although Mirowski's basic story of the increasing commercialization of science since the early 1980s is nothing new (either to him or in general), there is plenty here even for those who are familiar with the topic.
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